sp_whopro™ Documentation

The sp_whopro™ script is a SQL Server Activity Monitoring and Logging Stored Procedure. If you have used sp_who or sp_who2, you will find sp_whopro very helpful, sp_whopro is versatile and easy to use.

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You can also find info about the script in our sp_whopro videos  (Youtube).

sp_whopro lets you monitor current activity of a SQL Server Instance and at the same time allows you to save the activity to database for later analysis. You can collect data related toCPU, IO, MEMORY, NETWORK, WAIT, BLOCKING, LOCK, TRANSACTION, TEMPDB, CURSOR, SQL, PLAN, STATS, QUERY_PROFILE, SESSION, CONNECTION, REQUEST, TASK, WORKER and THREAD.

The sp_whopro script is customized for every SQL Server Version and Service Pack Microsoft released from SQL Server 2005 SP4 to SQL Server 2014. You can import current activity from many SQL Server Instances into a single central instance, server name and ctime, the data collection time is part of the collection.

--Example parameters to monitor waits, blocking and corresponding locks:

exec sp_whopro 'active, blocking', 'sql, wait, block, locks, limited'


--Example parameters to monitor waits, blocking and corresponding locks and to save the data to current database:

exec sp_whopro 'active, blocking, save', 'sql, wait, block, locks, limited'


--Example parameters to monitor waits, blocking and corresponding locks and to save the data to ‘sp_whopro_db’ database in a SQL Agent job without output:

exec sp_whopro 'active, blocking, save, nooutput', 'sql, wait, block, locks, limited', null, 'sp_whopro_db'


--Example parameters to retrieve saved data from ‘sp_whopro_db’ database:

exec sp_whopro null, 'sql, wait, block, locks, limited', null, 'sp_whopro_db', '2014-10-16 08:24:13.270','2014-10-18 08:24:13.270'


--Example parameters to output the select statement used to retrieve saved data from ‘sp_whopro_db’ database:

exec sp_whopro 'nooutput', 'sql, wait, block, locks, limited', null, 'sp_whopro_db', '2014-10-16 08:24:13.270','2014-10-18 08:24:13.270'


use master

exec sp_whopro 'help'


/*    For latest build of sp_whopro, help and documentation, refer to http://www.sqldownload.com

    sp_whopro [@sessions =] 'option[, option]' | NULL, [@columns =] 'option[, option]' | 'column[, column]' | NULL, [@order_by =] 'column[, column]' | 'help' | NULL, [@save_to_database =] 'database_name' | NULL, [@datetime = OUTPUT] 'ctime' | NULL, [@datetime_to =] 'ctime' | NULL, [@execution_time_report_threshold =] milliseconds | NULL

        [@sessions =] 'option[, option]' | NULL

        The following options are a comma separated list, can be used to filter sessions as shown below:

            Example ACTIVE, SAVE


                Include Active sessions.


                Include Active and Blocking sessions. When 'in', 'not in', '>', '<', '=', 'like'

                    or 'not like' is specified include All sessions


                Include Waiting sessions.


                Include Blocked and Blocking sessions.


                Include Blocked sessions.


                Include Blocking sessions.


                Sessions that have open cursors.


                Include sp_whopro's own session.


                Include All sessions.


                Save output.


                To not to display results, to be used in combination with SAVE when run as a job or

                    to get the select statement when @datetime is supplied.

        The following 'in' / 'not in' options are a comma separated list, can be used to filter sessions as shown below:

            Example session_id IN (57, 58)

            Example database_name IN ('SQLDev', 'SQLTest'), session_id NOT IN (57, 58)

            session_id [IN | NOT IN] (?, [?])

                List of session ids from sys.dm_exec_sessions.

            is_user_process [IN | NOT IN] (?, [?])

                Is user process from sys.dm_exec_sessions, 0 for system sessions, 1 for user sessions.

            database_id [IN | NOT IN] (?, [?])

                List of database ids from sys.dm_exec_sessions.

            database_name [IN | NOT IN] ('?', ['?'])

                List of database names from sys.dm_exec_sessions.

            status [IN | NOT IN] ('?', ['?'])

                List of requests status from sys.dm_exec_requests.

            sql_handle [IN | NOT IN] (?, [?])

                List of SQL handles from sys.dm_exec_requests.

            plan_handle [IN | NOT IN] (?, [?])

                List of Plan handles from sys.dm_exec_requests.

            query_hash [IN | NOT IN] (?, [?])

                List of query hash from sys.dm_exec_requests.

            query_plan_hash [IN | NOT IN] (?, [?])

                List of query plan hash from sys.dm_exec_requests.

            Additional in / not in options: host_process_id (from sys.dm_exec_sessions), context_info (from sys.dm_exec_sessions),

                transaction_isolation_level (from sys.dm_exec_sessions ), group_id (from sys.dm_exec_sessions), node_affinity (from

                sys.dm_exec_connections), connection_id (from sys.dm_exec_connections), most_recent_sql_handle (from sys.dm_exec_connections),

                request_id (from sys.dm_exec_requests), command (from sys.dm_exec_requests), statement_start_offset (from sys.dm_exec_requests),

                statement_end_offset (from sys.dm_exec_requests), blocking_session_id (from sys.dm_exec_requests), transaction_id (from

                sys.dm_exec_requests), scheduler_id (from sys.dm_exec_requests), executing_managed_code (from sys.dm_exec_requests).

        The following '>' / '<' / '=' range options can be used to filter sessions as shown below:

            Example wait > 1000, wait_time < 20000

            Example total_elapsed_time > 10000, cpu_time > 1000

            wait_time [> | < | =] ?

                Wait time from sys.dm_exec_requests.

            cpu_time [> | < | =] ?

                CPU time from sys.dm_exec_requests.

            total_elapsed_time [> | < | =] ?

                Total elapsed time (duration) from sys.dm_exec_requests.

            reads [> | < | =] ?

                Reads from sys.dm_exec_requests.

            logical_reads [> | < | =] ?

                Logical Reads from sys.dm_exec_requests.

            Additional range options: login_time (from sys.dm_exec_sessions), open_transaction_count (from sys.dm_exec_sessions),

                num_reads (from sys.dm_exec_connections), num_writes (from sys.dm_exec_connections), writes (from sys.dm_exec_requests),

                row_count (from sys.dm_exec_requests), nest_level (from sys.dm_exec_requests), granted_query_memory (from sys.dm_exec_requests).

        The following 'like' / 'not like' options can be used to filter sessions as shown below:

            Example wait_type LIKE 'LCK%'

            Example program_name LIKE 'SQLTest%', wait_type NOT LIKE 'ASYNC_NETWORK_IO'

            host_name [LIKE | NOT LIKE ] '?'

                Host Name from sys.dm_exec_sessions.

            program_name [LIKE | NOT LIKE ] '?'

                Program Name from sys.dm_exec_sessions.

            login_name [LIKE | NOT LIKE ] '?'

                Login Name from sys.dm_exec_sessions.

            wait_type [LIKE | NOT LIKE ] '?'

                Wait type from sys.dm_exec_requests.

            wait_resource [LIKE | NOT LIKE ] '?'

                Wait resource from sys.dm_exec_requests.

            Additional like / not like options: nt_domain (from sys.dm_exec_sessions), nt_user_name (from sys.dm_exec_sessions),

        [@columns =] 'option[, option]' | 'column[, column]' | NULL

            Example login_name, CPU, WAIT, DETAILED

            Example r.cpu_time r.total_elapsed_time, wait_type, wait_time

            The following options are a comma separated list, can be used to choose output columns as shown below:


                Outputs a small set of columns.


                Outputs medium set of columns.


                Outputs medium set of columns.


                Outputs large set of columns when specified alone otherwise outputs large set of column associated to options chosen.


                Outputs all columns, it is recommended to avoid 'ALL' option, to reduce execution time and storage overhead.


                Outputs CPU related columns.


                Outputs IO related columns.


                Outputs memory related columns.


                Outputs network related columns.


                Outputs wait related columns.


                Outputs blocking related columns.


                Outputs lock related columns for blocked and blocking sessions.


                Outputs lock related columns for all sessions.


                Outputs transaction related columns.

            SQL | SQL_DETAILED

                Outputs sql text related columns.


                Outputs selected SQL text columns as text instead of XML. Without this option

                    selected SQL text columns are output as XML, non-printable characters are replaced with [nchar(?)]


                Outputs execution plan related columns.


                Outputs query profile related columns.


                Outputs query, procedure and trigger statistics related columns.


                Outputs tempdb related columns.


                Outputs cursor related columns.


                Outputs task related columns.


                Outputs worker related columns.


                Outputs thread related columns.


                Outputs session related columns.


                Outputs connection related columns.


                Outputs request related columns.


                Outputs plan attribute related columns.


                Outputs custom columns, contact Ramesh Meyyappan at mailto:rmeyyappan@sqlworkshops.com for details.


                Outputs input buffer for requests from sys.dm_exec_requests based on session_id and request_id,

                    for sessions from sys.dm_exec_sessions based on session_id.


                Outputs input buffer for sessions from sys.dm_exec_sessions based on session_id.


                Outputs input buffer for requests from sys.dm_exec_requests based on session_id and request_id.


                Outputs object name for requests from sys.dm_exec_query_text based on sys.dm_exec_requests's sql_handle,

                    for connections from sys.dm_exec_query_text based on sys.dm_exec_connections's most_recent_sql_handle.


                Outputs text for requests from sys.dm_exec_query_text based on sys.dm_exec_requests's sql_handle,

                    for connections from sys.dm_exec_query_text based on sys.dm_exec_connections's most_recent_sql_handle.


                Outputs object name for connections from sys.dm_exec_query_text based on sys.dm_exec_connections's most_recent_sql_handle.


                Outputs text for connections from sys.dm_exec_query_text based on sys.dm_exec_connections's most_recent_sql_handle.


                Outputs object name for requests from sys.dm_exec_query_text based on sys.dm_exec_requests's sql_handle.


                Outputs text for requests from sys.dm_exec_query_text based on sys.dm_exec_requests's sql_handle.

            statement_object_name, r.statement_object_name

                Outputs object name from sys.dm_exec_query_text based on sys.dm_exec_requests's sql_handle.

            statement, r.statement

                Outputs statement, substring of text, for requests from sys.dm_exec_query_text based on sys.dm_exec_requests's sql_handle,

                    statement_start_offset and statement_end_offset.

            query_plan, r.query_plan

                Outputs query plan for requests from sys.dm_exec_query_plan based on sys.dm_exec_requests's plan_handle.

            query_plan_checksum, r.query_plan_checksum

                Outputs query plan checksum, based on query plan, used while saving to avoid duplicate entries.

            text_query_plan, r.text_query_plan

                Outputs text query plan as xml for requests from sys.dm_exec_text_query_plan based on sys.dm_exec_requests's plan_handle,

                    statement_start_offset and statement_end_offset. 

            text_query_plan_as_text, r.text_query_plan_as_text

                Outputs text query plan as text for requests from sys.dm_exec_text_query_plan based on sys.dm_exec_requests's plan_handle,

                    statement_start_offset and statement_end_offset. To avoid error 6335, XML datatype instance has too many levels of nested nodes. 

                    Maximum allowed depth is 128 levels.

            full_text_query_plan, r.full_text_query_plan

                Outputs complete text query plan as xml for requests from sys.dm_exec_text_query_plan based on sys.dm_exec_requests's plan_handle

                    with statement_start_offset as 0 and statement_end_offset -1.

            full_text_query_plan_as_text, r.full_text_query_plan_as_text

                Outputs complete text query plan as text for requests from sys.dm_exec_text_query_plan based on sys.dm_exec_requests's plan_handle

                    with statement_start_offset as 0 and statement_end_offset -1. To avoid error 6335, XML datatype instance has too many levels of nested nodes.

                    Maximum allowed depth is 128 levels.

            plan_attributes_info, r.plan_attributes_info

                Outputs plan attributes for requests from sys.dm_exec_query_plan based on sys.dm_exec_requests's plan_handle.

            ctime, s.ctime, c.ctime, r.ctime

                Outputs collection time, available with 'SAVE' option or when @datetime is not NULL.

            servername, s.servername, c.servername, r.servername

                Outputs server name where data was collected, available with 'SAVE' option or when @datetime is not NULL.

            The following columns are a comma separated list, can be used to choose output columns:

                session_id, login_time, host_name, program_name, host_process_id, client_version, client_interface_name, security_id, login_name, nt_domain, nt_user_name, status, context_info, cpu_time, memory_usage, total_scheduled_time, total_elapsed_time, endpoint_id, last_request_start_time, last_request_end_time, reads, writes, logical_reads, is_user_process, text_size, language, date_format, date_first, quoted_identifier, arithabort, ansi_null_dflt_on, ansi_defaults, ansi_warnings, ansi_padding, ansi_nulls, concat_null_yields_null, transaction_isolation_level, lock_timeout, deadlock_priority, row_count, prev_error, original_security_id, original_login_name, last_successful_logon, last_unsuccessful_logon, unsuccessful_logons, group_id, database_id, authenticating_database_id, open_transaction_count, session_id, most_recent_session_id, connect_time, net_transport, protocol_type, protocol_version, endpoint_id, encrypt_option, auth_scheme, node_affinity, num_reads, num_writes, last_read, last_write, net_packet_size, client_net_address, client_tcp_port, local_net_address, local_tcp_port, connection_id, parent_connection_id, most_recent_sql_handle, session_id, request_id, start_time, status, command, sql_handle, statement_start_offset, statement_end_offset, plan_handle, database_id, user_id, connection_id, blocking_session_id, wait_type, wait_time, last_wait_type, wait_resource, open_transaction_count, open_resultset_count, transaction_id, context_info, percent_complete, estimated_completion_time, cpu_time, total_elapsed_time, scheduler_id, task_address, reads, writes, logical_reads, text_size, language, date_format, date_first, quoted_identifier, arithabort, ansi_null_dflt_on, ansi_defaults, ansi_warnings, ansi_padding, ansi_nulls, concat_null_yields_null, transaction_isolation_level, lock_timeout, deadlock_priority, row_count, prev_error, nest_level, granted_query_memory, executing_managed_code, group_id, query_hash, query_plan_hash, statement_sql_handle, statement_context_id, session_id, job_info, is_blocker, is_head_blocker, blocked_session_ids, input_buffer_checksum, input_buffer_valid_flag, lock_count, lock_owner_id, locks_info, transaction_begin_time, transaction_log_record_count, transaction_log_bytes_used, transaction_info, session_tempdb_usage_kb, session_max_tempdb_usage_kb, session_tempdb_usage_info, cursor_count, max_cursor_dormant_duration, cursors_info, waiting_tasks_wait_types, waiting_tasks_max_wait_duration_ms, waiting_tasks_blocking_session_ids, waiting_tasks_valid_flag, waiting_tasks_info, service_broker_info, custom_info, session_id, connection_id, query_stats_info, procedure_stats_info, trigger_stats_info, session_id, request_id, connection_id, is_blocked, is_dead_locked, blocker_session_ids, head_blocker_session_ids, input_buffer_checksum, input_buffer_valid_flag, wait_resource_info, lock_count, lock_owner_id, locks_info, transaction_begin_time, transaction_info, task_tempdb_usage_kb, task_max_tempdb_usage_kb, task_tempdb_usage_info, query_memory_grants_requested_memory_kb, query_memory_grants_granted_memory_kb, query_memory_grants_used_memory_kb, query_memory_grants_max_used_memory_kb, query_memory_grants_wait_time_ms, query_memory_grants_ideal_memory_kb, query_memory_grants_info, query_profiles_cpu_time_ms, query_profiles_logical_read_count, query_profiles_physical_read_count, query_profiles_read_ahead_count, query_profiles_write_page_count, query_profiles_info, query_stats_info, procedure_stats_info, trigger_stats_info, cached_plans_info, tasks_count, tasks_context_switches, tasks_pending_io, tasks_io_size_kb, read_bytes_per_second, tasks_ios_per_second, tasks_info, workers_info, threads_info, query_plan_text_checksum, custom_info

                s.session_id, s.login_time, s.host_name, s.program_name, s.host_process_id, s.client_version, s.client_interface_name, s.security_id, s.login_name, s.nt_domain, s.nt_user_name, s.status, s.context_info, s.cpu_time, s.memory_usage, s.total_scheduled_time, s.total_elapsed_time, s.endpoint_id, s.last_request_start_time, s.last_request_end_time, s.reads, s.writes, s.logical_reads, s.is_user_process, s.text_size, s.language, s.date_format, s.date_first, s.quoted_identifier, s.arithabort, s.ansi_null_dflt_on, s.ansi_defaults, s.ansi_warnings, s.ansi_padding, s.ansi_nulls, s.concat_null_yields_null, s.transaction_isolation_level, s.lock_timeout, s.deadlock_priority, s.row_count, s.prev_error, s.original_security_id, s.original_login_name, s.last_successful_logon, s.last_unsuccessful_logon, s.unsuccessful_logons, s.group_id, s.database_id, s.authenticating_database_id, s.open_transaction_count

                c.session_id, c.most_recent_session_id, c.connect_time, c.net_transport, c.protocol_type, c.protocol_version, c.endpoint_id, c.encrypt_option, c.auth_scheme, c.node_affinity, c.num_reads, c.num_writes, c.last_read, c.last_write, c.net_packet_size, c.client_net_address, c.client_tcp_port, c.local_net_address, c.local_tcp_port, c.connection_id, c.parent_connection_id, c.most_recent_sql_handle

                r.session_id, r.request_id, r.start_time, r.status, r.command, r.sql_handle, r.statement_start_offset, r.statement_end_offset, r.plan_handle, r.database_id, r.user_id, r.connection_id, r.blocking_session_id, r.wait_type, r.wait_time, r.last_wait_type, r.wait_resource, r.open_transaction_count, r.open_resultset_count, r.transaction_id, r.context_info, r.percent_complete, r.estimated_completion_time, r.cpu_time, r.total_elapsed_time, r.scheduler_id, r.task_address, r.reads, r.writes, r.logical_reads, r.text_size, r.language, r.date_format, r.date_first, r.quoted_identifier, r.arithabort, r.ansi_null_dflt_on, r.ansi_defaults, r.ansi_warnings, r.ansi_padding, r.ansi_nulls, r.concat_null_yields_null, r.transaction_isolation_level, r.lock_timeout, r.deadlock_priority, r.row_count, r.prev_error, r.nest_level, r.granted_query_memory, r.executing_managed_code, r.group_id, r.query_hash, r.query_plan_hash, r.statement_sql_handle, r.statement_context_id

                s.job_info, s.is_blocker, s.is_head_blocker, s.blocked_session_ids, s.input_buffer_checksum, s.input_buffer_valid_flag, s.lock_count, s.lock_owner_id, s.locks_info, s.transaction_begin_time, s.transaction_log_record_count, s.transaction_log_bytes_used, s.transaction_info, s.session_tempdb_usage_kb, s.session_max_tempdb_usage_kb, s.session_tempdb_usage_info, s.cursor_count, s.max_cursor_dormant_duration, s.cursors_info, s.waiting_tasks_wait_types, s.waiting_tasks_max_wait_duration_ms, s.waiting_tasks_blocking_session_ids, s.waiting_tasks_valid_flag, s.waiting_tasks_info, s.service_broker_info, s.custom_info

                c.query_stats_info, c.procedure_stats_info, c.trigger_stats_info

                r.is_blocked, r.is_dead_locked, r.blocker_session_ids, r.head_blocker_session_ids, r.input_buffer_checksum, r.input_buffer_valid_flag, r.wait_resource_info, r.lock_count, r.lock_owner_id, r.locks_info, r.transaction_begin_time, r.transaction_info, r.task_tempdb_usage_kb, r.task_max_tempdb_usage_kb, r.task_tempdb_usage_info, r.query_memory_grants_requested_memory_kb, r.query_memory_grants_granted_memory_kb, r.query_memory_grants_used_memory_kb, r.query_memory_grants_max_used_memory_kb, r.query_memory_grants_wait_time_ms, r.query_memory_grants_ideal_memory_kb, r.query_memory_grants_info, r.query_profiles_cpu_time_ms, r.query_profiles_logical_read_count, r.query_profiles_physical_read_count, r.query_profiles_read_ahead_count, r.query_profiles_write_page_count, r.query_profiles_info, r.query_stats_info, r.procedure_stats_info, r.trigger_stats_info, r.cached_plans_info, r.tasks_count, r.tasks_context_switches, r.tasks_pending_io, r.tasks_io_size_kb, r.read_bytes_per_second, r.tasks_ios_per_second, r.tasks_info, r.workers_info, r.threads_info, r.query_plan_text_checksum, r.custom_info

        [@order_by =] 'column[, column]' | 'help' | NULL

            When NULL, if @sessions parameter includes 'SAVE' option, ordered by s.ctime, s.session_id else ordered by s.session_id.

            When 'help', outputs source select statement to help choose column aliases for use in order by.

            When not NULL, ordered by column(s) specified

            Comma separated list of column aliases, column[, column].

                Can contain any column aliases that are present in select clause, expressions are not allowed to prevent SQL Injection attacks.

            Example r.cpu_time desc

            Example s.login_name

            Example rs.database_id

            Example rs.database_name, s.login_name

        [@save_to_database =] 'database_name' | NULL

            Can be used to save and retrieve data from a specific database:

            When NULL, saved in current database.

            When not NULL, saved or retrieve from specified database

            Example @save_to_database = 'sp_whopro_db'

        [@datetime = OUTPUT] 'ctime' | NULL

            When NULL and @sessions parameter includes 'SAVE' option, outputs ctime, the collection time.

            When not NULL, returns previously saved data where ctime = @datetime

            Example @datetime = 2014-12-02 09:00:00.000

                Returns previously saved data where ctime = 2014-12-02 09:00:00.000.

            Can be combined with @columns parameter to choose columns displayed.

            When @sessions parameter includes 'NOOUTPUT' option, outputs the select statement instead of the rseults.

        [@datetime_to =] 'ctime' | NULL

            When not NULL, returns previously saved data where ctime between @datetime and @datetime_to

            Example @datetime_to = 2014-12-04 12:00:00.000

                Returns previously saved data where ctime between 2014-12-02 09:00:00.000 and 2014-12-04 12:00:00.000.

        [@execution_time_report_threshold =] milliseconds | NULL

            When not NULL, prints sp_whopro internal statements that exceeds the @execution_time_report_threshold value,

                 this is to trace long executing sp_whopro internal queries

            When NULL, @execution_time_report_threshold is 250 milliseconds

            Example @execution_time_report_threshold = 100

                Prints sp_whopro internal statements that exceeds 100 milliseconds execution time.


--Example parameters to monitor waits, blocking and corresponding locks:

exec sp_whopro 'active, blocking', 'sql, wait, block, locks, limited'


--Example parameters to monitor waits, blocking and corresponding locks and to save the data to current database:

exec sp_whopro 'active, blocking, save', 'sql, wait, block, locks, limited'


--Example parameters to monitor waits, blocking and corresponding locks and to save the data to 'sp_whopro_db' database in a SQL Agent job without output:

exec sp_whopro 'active, blocking, save, nooutput', 'sql, wait, block, locks, limited', null, 'sp_whopro_db'


--Example parameters to retrieve saved data from 'sp_whopro_db' database:

exec sp_whopro null, 'sql, wait, block, locks, limited', null, 'sp_whopro_db', '2014-10-16 08:24:13.270','2014-10-18 08:24:13.270'

--Example parameters to output the select statement used to retrieve saved data from 'sp_whopro_db' database:

exec sp_whopro 'nooutput', 'sql, wait, block, locks, limited', null, 'sp_whopro_db', '2014-10-16 08:24:13.270','2014-10-18 08:24:13.270'



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